1. Camp Savings Packages

    Designed For Repeat Campers


Camp savings packages are designed for athletes who want to attend events on a regular basis to get the best value per event. Kohl's wants to offer enough options for athletes to choose from so they can custom design a training regiment to fit their needs.

Camp Packages - Information & Registration

>> Gold Package - Register

This is one of our most popular packages. It is designed to help our athletes with training, exposure, and the opportunity to get film at camp.

>> Training Division Package - Register

This package was designed to give consistent professional training for local athletes. The amount of field time, drill work, and constructive coaching is unmatched.

>> Advanced Training & Exposure Package - Register

This Advanced Training & Exposure Package was created for athletes who want training leading up to their season and have more opportunities to compete at National Events and receive national exposure and a national ranking.

>> Premier Training & Exposure Package - Register

This is our premier training and exposure package. It includes everything that the Advanced Training and Exposure Package offers along with a spot at one of the Spring Break one one-on-one Camps and the Premium Player Profile.

>> Focus Program - Register

This is the year-round training option for the athlete who doesn't live in an area with a local training division. This will also include the Spring Break Camp and Virtual Training Options.

>> The Ultimate Training Package - Call For Info

This package is for Kickers, Punters, & Long Snappers and includes everything that is included in the Premier Training & Exposure Package along with Monthly Virtual Coaching sessions w/Coach Jamie Kohl or Coach Casey Casper. It also includes unlimited access to our posted Radar Performance Clinics (K/P Only). Please contact Heidi Epperson for more information on this program.

For more information about packages and payment plans, please contact Heidi Epperson.

Private Lessons

Private lessons give each athlete much more personal instruction than at a normal camp. Private lessons are available at locations posted on the website and all year by appointment in Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio, Illinois, Florida, California, Texas, and Louisiana.

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From The Blog

National Signing Day // Class of 2025

On National Signing Day, our entire staff wants to congratulate the Kohl's Class of 2025 kickers, punters, and long snappers on their college offers, commitments, and signings!

Whether it be a scholarship offer or walk-on opportunity, we are happy you have found a college football program to call home!

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