1. College Commitments | Class of 2019

    Kickers, Punters, and Long Snappers

Americas Camp Hero

Posted February 06, 2019 | Bret

As the 2019 signing period has begun, the Kohl's Kicking Class of 2019 is off and rolling with the college football commitments. Many athletes around the country are finding homes to play football at the next level.

College offers and commitments for kickers, punters, and long snappers will continue to happen into the spring and summer.

College Commitments

**This list will continue to be filled in as we hear of college commitments**

Abbes, ChristopherUniversity of California
Adams, WyattUniversity of West Florida
Alexander, BrileyAir Force
Amaya, LucasIowa*
Bailey, MatthewSouth Carolina*
Baltar, JacksonTemple University*
Barr-Mira, NicholasUCLA*
Bartolic, ChristopherUtah State*
Bash, PearsonNE Oklahoma A&M
Bates, WebbWestern Kentucky*
Batten, NathanTarleton State*
Bechdel, LeightonWest Virginia*
Bedell , DerekColorado*
Bennett, CodeyReinhardt University
Benoit, AustinUniversity of Charleston*
Black, DylanOregon State*
Bonoffski, CadenDavidson College
Borcila, JacobKansas*
Bowden, PeterWisconsin*
Boyce, ParkerComitted:Missouri S&T
Brady, JackFlorida*
Bramblett, JayNotre Dame
Breedlove, JackRhodes College
Brewington, RobbieCumberland University
Burkett, GrantMissouri State*
Buscemi, AnthonyMonmouth
Buschini, BrianMontana*
Busen, HunterUWF
Callahan, SeanTaylor University
Callister, PierceUtah State
Campbell, JaredPitt*
Camper, CaydenColorado State*
Carr, LowellColby College
Carson, CameronMaine
Caughron, ChandlerCentral Arkansas
Childers, GarrettOle Miss*
Clark, CameronReinhardt University
Coe, RyanDelaware
Cooey, BrianMaine
Cook, MatthewNorthern Iowa*
Cormier, BrooksPurdue
Cox, CurtisMinnesota Duluth
Cue, KalebTexas Wesleyan
Dable, GrahamTulane*
Daniel, MatthewWest Virginia*
DaSilva, AnthonyPenn State*
Davis, CadenTexas A&M
Davis, EvanToledo
Deneher, JackOhio State*
Dennis, AustinSMU
DesNoyers, Luke:MacMurray College
Detlefsen, GrantNebraska*
Dixon, KadeMcNeese State*
Donovan, AndrewColumbia University
Dunlap, AustinSoutheastern Louisiana
Dunn, TuckerColgate
Eberle, GeorgeWilliam & Mary
Elzinga, LukeCentral Michigan
Evans, EthanWingate University
Fancher, TreyIowa State*
Farrell, BrendanVirginia*
Felkins, AlexColumbia
Ferrin, WillUtah State
Finison, TreyNorthwestern*
Fitzgerald, RyanFlorida State
Foley, TomMinnesota*
Fontaine, DawsonMorgan State
Freehill, BenOklahoma State*
Gambs, CharlieAugustana College*
Garcia, JacksonUniversity of San Diego
George, BradKent State*
German, NickSouthwest Minnesota State
Gillis, CameronStetson University
Glassock, LukasWyoming
Glausier, SethGeorgia State*
Goodman, GabeOuachita Baptist
Greenway, KylerPuget Sound
Griskie, JacksonWayne State
Guajardo, DiegoSouth Alabama
Guerrieri, AlanTexas A&M*
Guglielmello, AngeloStony Brook
Halsell, NathanUniversity of Arizona*
Ham, CharlieDuke
Hampton, TreyMaryville College
Hanson, RyanArkansas State
Harrah, MichaelCarson-Newman
Harralson, MitchellWestern Kentucky*
Hathorn, ThomasHenderson State*
Haynie, JacobShepherd University
Heaton, TristanHenderson State
Hebenstreit, MitchUniversity of Findlay
Heins, GabeNebraska*
Herrera, AlexSouth Carolina*
Hiser, DavidFerris State
Hoban, ZachRice
Hogan, SamCornell
Holsapple, CameronUniversity of Indianapolis
Hood, HaydenTexas Tech*
Hughes, DavisLouisiana Monroe*
Hughes, NoahReinhardt University
hunsicker, JacksonSt. Ambrose
Janikowski, DeanWashington State*
Johnson, BraydenBall State*
Johnson, ColeAir Force
Johnstone, ChristianAppalachian State*
Jorgensen, DylanNebraska*
Jorgensen, IsaacUNI*
Judy, SteeleCitadel*
Karwacki, NoahSouth Alabama
Kastl, RyanMcKendree University
Keatts, TreyNortheastern Oklahoma A&M
Keltner, TylerETSU
Kerska, KarlMichigan*
Kervin, AlanCentral Florida*
Kilgore, HaydenWingate
King, BradleyPenn State*
Kneller, AidenNew Mexico*
Knight, JackBall State
Koonz, DayneFrostburg State
Korchma, ChristianPace University
Krimm, BenjaminUniversity of Penn
LaCoursiere, CarterMarian University
Lake, KameronWashburn University
Landherr, JackUCLA*
Landrum, JerodSiena Heights
Langston, MarkKennesaw State University*
Lantz, MichaelMinnesota
Law, BryceLinfield College
Leonard, HarrisonNotre Dame*
Lewis, CamdenOregon
Livingston, AidanBoston College*
Lopez, NicolasCalifornia*
Lukasheay III, TreyMcPherson College
Lupear, SamMarian University
Lyell, GrahamEastern Kentucky University
Mackellar, SethArizona*
Maggio, JakeUniversity of Maine*
Maroon, SidneyAugustana College-IL
Martin, JackSouth Alabama
Masucci, ChristiaanEastern Illinois
Mattson, TristanBuffalo*
McCarthy, MurrayFranklin And Marshall College
McCutchen, TimUniversity of Charleston
McLaughlin, DougUNC-Charlotte*
McNamara, AustinTexas Tech
Mitchell, JoeyU Albany
Mora, IvanWake Forest
Morris, EvanMichigan State*
Morse, JackDavenport University
Mote, WilliamGeorgia*
Mullins, BrianUIndy
Munn, BlakeBethel University
Musgrove, AshtonGeorgia Military College
Nadelsticher, AlanUniversity of Miami
Napper, MasonMiami*
Nation, CaleOle Miss*
Nations, PatrickEast Carolina
Nettles, DrakeIowa State*
O'hara, RyanLafayette College
Obarski, DanielUCF
OLeary, JoeKansas*
Olszewski, CodyTennessee at Chattanooga
Orona, AlanTexas Tech
Otter, PatrickLouisville*
Painter, NickConcordia University-MI
Payne, ScottMiddle Tennessee*
Pecorella, AnthonyMaryland*
Pedrozo, JudeMichigan State*
Persiko, ChristopherMillersville University
Pewitt, MatthewCumberland
Plaster, JoshuaArizona State*
Powers, WillUSC
Price, TylerReinhardt University
Pugh, GabrielAlabama*
Quinn, MatthewUAB
Ramsey, KyleHouston*
Rauschenberg, NoahBaylor
Redding, JadonUtah *
Reichard, WillAlabama
Rhonehouse, KyleMiami-OH*
Richwine, CalebEastern Michigan*
Riedel, RyanMN State- Moorehead
Rigney, MatthewMiddle Tennessee*
Robles, Nathan ConnerLangston University
Roderick, AustinEastern Kentucky
Rodriguez, AnthonyAir Force
Romenick, KyleAkron
Rychlik, AustinUTEP*
Sanborn, RyanStanford*
Sanders, ReidNorth Dakota*
Scarton, SamuelPittsburgh*
Schmoke, AlexSaint Francis
Schuster, HaydenMississippi Valley State
Schweigert, AndrewUW-Platteville
Seilo, NiccoloWayne State University
Sentkowski, KyleCollege of Siskiyous
Sereny, MichaelEast Stroudsburg
Shaw, TylerEastern Michigan*
Smetzer, JoshuaCStephen F. Austin
Stein, AndrewSouthern Mississippi
Steinacker, SethCentral Michigan*
Sten, CarsonPuget Sound
Stephens , AltonGMC
Sullivan, AustinPenn State*
Suter, RhysWake Forest University*
Swanson, AidanClemson
Szczesniak, PatrickArmy
Takerian, JackIllinois State*
Tamayo, AdrianClarke University
Taylor, GarrettEast Tennessee State
Tierney, ConnorIndiana State
Townsend, WyattBethany College
Trabold, TonyEastern Michigan*
Vandenberg, James TristianOhio
Vartanian, ChristianWashington University-MO
Vasquez, JesseUtah State*
Venner, JaredTruman State
Vermillion, DrewUVA-Wise
Wagner, WilliamMichigan*
Wale, GavinBoise State
Ware, MarshallTennessee*
Warren, EthanBall State*
Waxman, TylerFlorida*
Webb, KennethConcordia University-MI
Webber, ZadenMurray State
Weeks, BradyMinnesota
Weil, AndrewNC State*
Weinberg, CameronArizona*
Whalen, FletcherBrown
Wheatley, JaredVanderbilt
Whipple, GabrielColorado School of Mines
Whitfield, ChaseFlorida*
Wiersema, JeremyGrand Valley State
Wilcox, BlakeWisconsin*
Wilkins, RyanElon
Willis, ParkerMissouri*
Wilson, PorterDuke
Wracher, SeanIndiana
York, CadeLSU
Zentner, TylerKansas State-
Zoulek, JaredCSU-Pueblo

From The Blog

National Signing Day // Class of 2025

On National Signing Day, our entire staff wants to congratulate the Kohl's Class of 2025 kickers, punters, and long snappers on their college offers, commitments, and signings!

Whether it be a scholarship offer or walk-on opportunity, we are happy you have found a college football program to call home!

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